

if SERVICE_RUNNING = ServiceGetStatus('', '工作名') then    StopServices('工作名', true); StartServices('工作名', false);


unit UStartServices;


uses   Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,   Dialogs, WinSVC, StdCtrls;

  //获得工作现象   //参数:sMachine策画机名(本机可用空字符串暗示)   sService:工作称号   //输出:工作的现象 SERVICE_RUNNING/SERVICE_STOPPED/SERVICE_PAUSED等   function ServiceGetStatus(sMachine, sService: string ): DWord;   //开启工作  BWait=true暗示一直恭候工作启动或住手完成后能力陆续操作界面   function StartServices(const SvrName: string; BWait: boolean): Boolean;   //住手工作   function StopServices(const SvrName: string; BWait: boolean): Boolean;   //重启工作   function RestartServices(const SvrName: string; BWait: boolean): Boolean;   //恭候工作启动或住手   function WaitForService(ServiceHandle: Longword; AStatus: Longword): Boolean;


function StartServices(const SvrName: string; BWait: boolean): Boolean; var   SCH, SvcSCH: SC_HANDLE;   arg: PChar;   dwStartType: DWORD; begin   Result := False;   SCH := OpenSCManager(nil, nil, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS);   if SCH <= 0 then Exit;   SvcSCH := OpenService(SCH, PChar(SvrName), 纸制工艺品 SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS);   if SvcSCH <= 0 then Exit;   try     Result := StartService(SvcSCH, 打字机 0,电子元器件 arg);     if BWait then       WaitForService(SvcSCH, SERVICE_RUNNING);   finally     CloseServiceHandle(SvcSCH);     CloseServiceHandle(SCH);   end; end;

function RestartServices(const SvrName: string; BWait: boolean): Boolean; var   SCH, SvcSCH: SC_HANDLE;   arg: PChar;   dwStartType: DWORD;   ServiceStatus: _SERVICE_STATUS;   SS: TServiceStatus; begin   Result := False;   SCH := OpenSCManager(nil, nil, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS);   if SCH <= 0 then Exit;   SvcSCH := OpenService(SCH, PChar(SvrName), SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS);   if SvcSCH <= 0 then Exit;

  if not ControlService(SvcSCH, SERVICE_CONTROL_INTERROGATE,渔业设备 ServiceStatus) then exit;   if ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_RUNNING then  //若是正在启动,则先住手工作   begin     ControlService(SvcSCH, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, SS);     WaitForService(SvcSCH, SERVICE_STOPPED);     //StopServices(SvrName, true);   end;

  try     Result := StartService(SvcSCH, 0, arg);     if BWait then       WaitForService(SvcSCH, SERVICE_RUNNING);   finally     CloseServiceHandle(SvcSCH);     CloseServiceHandle(SCH);   end; end;

function StopServices(const SvrName: string; BWait: boolean): Boolean; var   SCH, SvcSCH: SC_HANDLE;   SS: TServiceStatus; begin   Result := False;   SCH := OpenSCManager(nil, nil, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS);   if SCH <= 0 then Exit;   SvcSCH := OpenService(SCH, PChar(SvrName), SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS);   if SvcSCH <= 0 then Exit;   try     Result := ControlService(SvcSCH, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, SS);     if BWait then       WaitForService(SvcSCH, SERVICE_STOPPED);   finally     CloseServiceHandle(SCH);     CloseServiceHandle(SvcSCH);   end; end;

function ServiceGetStatus(sMachine, sService: string ): DWord; var   schm,      //service control manager handle   schs: SC_Handle;   //service handle   ss: TServiceStatus;  //service status   dwStat : DWord;  //current service status begin   dwStat := 0;   schm := OpenSCManager(PChar(sMachine), Nil, SC_MANAGER_CONNECT);   if(schm > 0)then   begin     //open a handle to the specified service     schs := OpenService(schm, PChar(sService), SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS);     if(schs > 0)then     begin       //retrieve the current status of the specified service       if(QueryServiceStatus(schs, ss))then       begin         dwStat := ss.dwCurrentState;       end;

      CloseServiceHandle(schs);  //close service handle     end;

    CloseServiceHandle(schm);  // close service control manager handle   end;

  Result := dwStat; end;

function WaitForService(ServiceHandle: Longword; AStatus: Longword): Boolean; var   PendingStatus: Longword;   ServiceStatus: _SERVICE_STATUS;   Error: Integer; begin   Result := False;   case AStatus of     SERVICE_RUNNING: PendingStatus := SERVICE_START_PENDING;     SERVICE_STOPPED: PendingStatus := SERVICE_STOP_PENDING;   end;   repeat     if not ControlService(ServiceHandle, SERVICE_CONTROL_INTERROGATE, ServiceStatus) then     begin            end;     if ServiceStatus.dwWin32ExitCode <> 0 then       Break;     Result := ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = AStatus;     if not Result and (ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = PendingStatus) then       Sleep(ServiceStatus.dwWaitHint)     else       Break;   until Result; end;



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